Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just some simple boundaries.

For this relationship to be both effective and efficient I need some boundaries. Lets set some:

When I ask how your day is going I am not looking for a long explanation of your lives problems. I have to do about a zillion things to make the what was a simple order that you turned into a diabetic inducing sugar bomb. A simple answer is all that is required for a nice exchange between us. 

When I offer you a sampling you do not need give me the full explanation of how your Irritable Bowl Syndrome prohibits you from drinking dairy. I am sorry that you cannot drink milk, however I do not want to know what it does your insides. 

I cannot help you decide how to take care of your pets remains. I am truly sorry for your loss, I know that you loved your pet a lot. However, I cannot listen to your debate of cost comparing what do with your pets remains. I have other customers giving both of us dirty looks. These customers will now be short and rude to me. 

To the customer giving dirty looks, it does not help your drink taste better.

For those who overly share. I do not want to know about that funny scab on your head, tell me its from an accident and I will not question you more. Selective honesty is not a bad thing. We are not married. When your IBS is acting up do not tell me- walk away from me. Please walk away. 

I am not trying to cheat you out of your cup discount I just forget when you have a million modifications I have to put in. You take that cup from us and reuse it, to get the discount anyways. Save a tree and bring a fucking mug!

It is very rude to raid a tip jar for a nickel just because you do not like to have to take it off of your gift card. You are in fact stealing when you do that. Now the nickel you take everyday is not going to affect my life but we all bend over backwards for you, so keep your fucking hands out of the tip jar. 

Now that these boundaries are set I promise that I will have a smile on my face as I greet you. I promise to make your order to your request and I will make you something else with my apologies if I get it wrong. Have a lovely day and please come again. 

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