Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Excuses excuses

I understand that work sucks.  I know that most jobs are soul-sucking black-holes that don't pay nearly what anyone's time is worth.  I know that you, my dear friend, are a free spirit.

But if I have to hear, ONE MORE TIME, any of the following excuses come out of your mouth while you languish on my couch, I will bow out of this friendship and leave you to your fantasy world.

  • "I can't work for anyone else." - Sorry hon, everyone else is who has the money!
  • "I'm so tired of worrying about money." - Yeah, being in five-figure-debt will do that to you, especially if you keep charging two week vacations to exotic locales to your credit cards.  You live rent-free with your family.  You get someone else to pay your bills.  Who's worrying?
  • "I just want to have as much fun as I can right now." - Isn't that what you've been doing for the past 30+ years of your life?
  • "I'm just going to think good thoughts and keep networking.  Someone out there will want to give me a grant." - A grant for WHAT?  Sitting around all day stoned?
  • "I want to have kids and a family of my own." - and when I point out that such things require hard work and steady income you say - "Oh, those things will take care of themselves."
  • "I can't wait to be a millionaire and take care of all of my friends!" - nice sentiment, but at this rate, it's a good thing none of us are waiting for you to get your ass in gear.
Meanwhile, I am working full-time, my bills are paid, I'm saving money for the future and still able to afford the fun things in life.  I have a resume that doesn't suffer from a lack of practical experience, and I don't assume that the world is going to take care of me just because I think positive - I am pro-active and as a result more able to give back to the world from which I benefit.  I suppose it will be my taxes paying for your kids and food stamps, and not because you are unable to work, but because you are lazy, unrealistic, and a complete parasite to your friends and family.

Now get off my couch.  I've got work to do.

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